Welcome to Family Church
Stephen Ministry - Counseling (Become a counselor or in need of counseling from a woman in the Stephen Ministry)
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About this program

Stephen Ministers are trained lay caregivers providing one-to-one confidential Christian care to individuals facing crises or life challenges. Stephen Ministry helps our Ministry Team and congregation provide caring ministry to those individuals for as long as it is needed.

Stephen Ministers are Family Church members who are recruited, selected, trained, commissioned and supervised by a Stephen Leader to provide one-to-one Christian care on behalf of the Family Church congregations to persons in need. Stephen Ministers are assigned one care receiver at a time and meet with that person for about an hour each week. Stephen Ministers serve for a period of two years, which includes an initial training period of over 50 hours, followed by twice- monthly supervision and continuing education sessions.

For more information on how you can go through the Stephen Ministry training or if you need to speak with a woman who is a part of the Family Church Stephen Ministry, please contact the Church Office (407-876-2234) or send us an email: stephenministry@ourfamily.church.
